Are You A Cheerleader for Your Life?

I want you to be a cheerleader for your life…

You’re in the business of life. If you’re getting up every day hitting the ground running accomplishing things during the day even if it’s just keeping your head above water you are a business person. You are in charge of your life and probably along the way you’ve taken on a partner, a husband or wife, children, aging parents, and best friends.

You are in the business of life and nobody addresses that, nobody addresses how successful you are when you get up every day and make that day work. Even if at the end of the day you say that was the crappiest day I’ve spent in a long time… but I did my best. Then you are wonderful, you are running your life. I think we have this idea that if we are wealthy we are happy and if we are poor we are unhappy.

But the truth is we can be just barely making it and be one of the happiest people on earth, why? Because we’ve surrounded ourselves with people we love, and we are figuring life out through trial and error. Let me give you an example a young teacher gets out of school… she has some school debt but she gets up every day and in the lives of her 3rd graders she is the most amazing, most important person from 8:30 in the morning till 3:00 in the afternoon.

She is a successful person, she is in the business of teaching children.

And that’s true of a nurse, of a stay home parent, of a student who goes to school every day and tries to do their best at school even if they have a cold, a headache, or even if they’ve had a fight with their best friend but at the end of the day they did their best.

You’re a successful human being and you need to surround yourself by people who think that as well.